Chinese Language Classes
兰卡斯特华贤社周日学校,欢迎各界参加本社汉语课程,探索语言背后的优良文化。无论任何家庭背景,华贤社为大家提供中文课程与各项的文娱活动, 儿童年龄由四岁至成年人 。 提供一个丰富而有有趣的经验,为所有社群争取有关的课程,由专业导师授课中文汉语, 课程与各项文化课外活动。
The Hua Xian Lancaster Chinese School provides classes and activities for everyone from children as young as 4 to adults. Students from any background are welcome to learn Mandarin and discover the fascinating culture behind the language. The School is run by dedicated tutors who are native speakers teaching Chinese language and culture alongside extra curricular activities to offer an enriching and fun experience for all pupils.
Find out more about classes, timetable and enrolment by clicking the link below:

English Support Class for Children

English ESOL Classes for Adults

Basic Food Hygiene Course

Community Cafe and Drop-In

Tai Chi Group

Chinese Music Group

Arts and Culture Workshops
We have worked with local schools and libraries to create engaging and educational experiences for children and adults, including:
- Lancaster City Council
- Lancaster Central Library
- Beaumont College
- Carnforth High School
- Morecambe Wind and Kite Festival
- Poulton Children's Centre
- Sandylands Primary School
- St Wilfrid's Church of England Primary School, Halton
Welfare Outreach Service
Our volunteers are available to help individuals and families who require translation or guidance when accessing public services - such as doctors and hospital visits, local government services or even reporting crime.
This service is confidential and volunteers are vetted with DBS (previously CRB) checks.
If you or someone you know would like to use this service please contact us and we will arrange suitable support.
Translation Service
We work alongside local agencies and charities who feel their services can benefit the Chinese community and we help translate their literature into simple easy-to-understand information accessible to everyone fluent in Mandarin or Cantonese Chinese.
If you are interested in working with us, please contact us.